API Reference

Create Transaction

The Create transaction endpoint is responsible for creating a new transaction for a specified bundle. This is a critical part of the purchase flow, enabling users to finalize their bundle choices.

Body parameters

bundleId: The unique identifier of the bundle.

boxSizeId: The identifier for the selected variant of the bundle.

discountId: Loop Bundle Discount's Id applied on the bundle if any.

sellingPlanId: The identifier for the selling plan associated with this bundle. Pass null for adding bundle as a one-time purchase.

productVariants: An array of objects, each representing a product variant included in the bundle.

quantity: the quantity is to be specified in the transaction for that bundle.

Response parameters

txnId : unique transactionId which needs to be passed on add to cart call to shopify in all the line items properties as _bundleId : txnId of productVariants along with it's shopify_id and quantity

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