API Reference

Read bundle details

Response Data Keys

id : Loop's BundleId

name : Bundle's name

description : Description of the bundle if any

imageURL : Bundle's image URL

type: Defines the type of Bundle FIXED | RANGE

FIXED : 'Customers will have to add exact number of items.'
RANGE : 'Customers will need to satisfy min and max requirements.'

status : Bundle's status ACTIVE | DRAFT

currencyCode : Store's currency code. All prices passed in the API are in this currency only.

currencySymbol : Store's currency symbol

purchaseType : Purchase Type of the bundle (SUBSCRIPTION | ONETIME | ALL)

SUBSCRIPTION : 'Bundle can only be purchased as a subscription'
ONETIME : 'Bundle can only be purchased as one-time'
ALL: 'Bundle can be purchased both as one-time and subscription'

boxSizes : Array of boxSize. A boxSize define how many items customers can add in a bundle

id : Loop's boxSize Id

name : boxSize name

minSize : minimum product's quantity allowed in the boxSize to allow checkout.

maxSize : maximum product's quantity allowed in the boxSize to allow checkout. (If 0 no limit is present.)

defaultSelected: If true indicates that out of all boxSizes this box size should be selected by default.

discounts : Array of bundle discounts associated with bundles.

id : Loop's discount Id

name : Discount's name

code : Discount code.

type: Discount's type : ( PERCENTAGE | FIXED | FIXED_PRICE )

value : Discount's value in storeCurrency

conditionType: based on what condition type discount needs to be applied. ( PRICE, QUANTITY)

minCartValue: if conditionType is PRICE minCartValue (i.e. sum of all products) needed to apply discount else 0.

minCartQuantity : if conditionType is Quantity minCartQuantity(i.e. minimum products added) needed to apply discount else 0

purchaseType : Discount purchase type (SUBSCRIPTION | ONETIME | ALL). If SUBSCRIPTION apply when bundle is purchase as a subscription. If ONETIME apply when bundle is purchase as one-time. If ALL apply when bundle is either purchased as a subscription or a one-time.

appliesOnEachItem : If true discount needs to applied on each product.

sellingPlans: Array of sellingPlan that defines the frequency and discount on the products mapped to it.

shopifyId: shopifyId of the sellingPlan

name: name of the sellingPlan

description : description of the sellingPlan if any.

discounts : Array of discounts mapped to the selling plan.

type: Type of the discount ( PERCENTAGE | FIXED | FIXED_PRICE)

value: Discount's value

deliveryInterval : Defines delivery intervals (DAY | WEEK | MONTH | YEAR)

deliveryIntervalCount : Value for the delivery Interval.

billingInterval: Defines billing intervals (DAY | WEEK | MONTH | YEAR)

billingIntervalCount : Value for the billing Interval.

categories : Categories associated with bundles if any.

id: Loop's categoryId

title: category's title

subTitle: category's subTitle

imageURL: Category's image URL

limits: limits of the categories corresponding to each box size if available.

boxSizeId: Id of the boxSize

minValue: minimum products that needs to be added in this category for the given boxSize Id to satisfy the category limit

maxValue: maximum products that needs to be added in this category for the given boxSize Id to satisfy the category limit

products: Contains the list of all the products mapped to the selling plan.

shopifyId : Product's shopifyId

title: Products's title

handle: Product's handle

status: Product's status (active | archived | draft )

options: Array of product options available

id: option's shopifyId

name: option's name

values: all option's values

position: position of the option

variants: Contains the list of all product variants

shopifyId : Product variant's shopifyId,

title : Product variant's Ttitle

price : Product variant's price

position : Position of the variant

taxable : Is variant taxable or not.

imageURL: Product variant's image URL

requiresShipping : If true variant requires shipping

outOfStock : If true variant is out of stock.

categoryId: Loop's bundleCategoryId to which the product is mapped if any.

limits : Contains the product's limits if any

boxSizeId: Loop's boxSizeId

categoryId: Loop's bundleCategoryId if product is mapped is category else null.

maxValue: Quantity of product that can be added for this category and boxSize.

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